Have You Got Some ????
THE HALL is 50yrs Old: We need You to unearth your old photos, paper clippings, mementos etc by Friday 29th !!!! WHY ????? On Sat...
WILL YOU BUY TRÓCAIRE - Gifts of Love: Living Gifts of Love, which are Changing Lives. Choose a Gift. Your loved one receives a...
' Dull Nov brings the Blast, then the Leaves are whirling Fast. '
CONCERN COLLECTION It is that time of year again when 'Concern' are asking the people of the parish for their support, this weekend,...
Dairygold Co-Op closes its Doors.
TRIBUTE FOR PAT: As you know our local Co-op Stores closed its doors on Friday 18th October, and with it, Pat Gubbins's service to the...
' Red Sky at Night '
MONTH's MIND: Saturday 19th at 7pm, the month's mind Mass for Chris Purtill will be clelebrated, in Granagh. WILDLIFE TALK: Wednesday...
'Fresh Oct brings the Pheasants, then to gather nuts is pleasant '
PARISH PILGRIMAGE 2020: Thursday 10th, 7.30pm: Meeting in the community centre for anyone interested in joining the Parish Pilgrimage...
Brian Kennedy sings in Liskennett:
TEXT ALERT REGISTRATION: Completed forms and accompanying contributions will be collected at the Church, after Mass on this coming Sat...
TEXT ALERT REGISTRATION: The Granagh Community Text Alert Service has been operating for five years now. The time has come to re-join...
Sample - old photo. Christy Kerins, the man who wrote the GAA history is compiling a parallel history on the local Creameries, Schools,...
'' Warm Sept brings the Fruit ''
COFFEE MORNING: Thursday 19th Sept: A Milford Hospice Coffee Morning will take place from 10.30am to 2pm at the Desmond Complex,...