Fresh October brings the pheasants,
Then to gather nuts is pleasant. Lady Amherst's pheasant. RETURN ENERGY SURVEY: Closing date for the return of surveys is this coming...

Fr. Tom Carroll Arrives:
GIVE BLOOD: Thursday 1st Oct : The Blood Transfusion Service needs the support of their donors to continue to meet the demand for blood,...

Fr. Dan Lane Retires:
A.G.M. The annual general meeting of Granagh Development Association is planned for Tuesday 29th Sept at 8pm in the community centre. ...

HEART MONTH: September is heart awareness month and the challenge is to ' Escape your Chair ' - move for one minute, every hour, over the...

New Seating Area in the National School. MASSES: Parish Masses will continue as usual on Saturday in Ballingarry at 10.30am and 7.00pm...

WARM SEPT BRINGS THE FRUIT, Sportsmen then begin to shoot.
EXTRA MASSES: For this week there will be mass in Ballingarry on Monday (31st) at 7.00pm and in Granagh on Friday (4th) at 7.00pm. Parish...

Weather A Washout !!!
Happy 98th Birthday, Mairead. BIG BIRTHDAY: Congratulations to Mairead Chawke on reaching her 98th birthday on Thursday 26th. She...

Thank You Fr. Dan:
Fr. Dan & Sr. Margaret in suitable attire for the 1916 Commemoration. TRIBUTE TO FR. DAN: Fr. Dan's departure was delayed due to Covid,...

Congratulations to our Granagh Boys on their First Holy Communion on 6th August - Ryan McDonagh, Michael O'Brien, Rory Stapleton, Thomas...

August brings the Sheaves of Corn, Then the Harvest Home is borne:
CLOTHES COLLECTION: Granagh NS parents' association, are holding their collection this coming weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 7th,...