RETURN ENERGY SURVEY: Thank you to all those who returned their energy surveys. The closing date was last Friday 9th Oct. If you...
Fresh October brings the pheasants,
Then to gather nuts is pleasant. Lady Amherst's pheasant. RETURN ENERGY SURVEY: Closing date for the return of surveys is this coming...
Fr. Tom Carroll Arrives:
GIVE BLOOD: Thursday 1st Oct : The Blood Transfusion Service needs the support of their donors to continue to meet the demand for blood,...
Fr. Dan Lane Retires:
A.G.M. The annual general meeting of Granagh Development Association is planned for Tuesday 29th Sept at 8pm in the community centre. ...
HEART MONTH: September is heart awareness month and the challenge is to ' Escape your Chair ' - move for one minute, every hour, over the...
New Seating Area in the National School. MASSES: Parish Masses will continue as usual on Saturday in Ballingarry at 10.30am and 7.00pm...
WARM SEPT BRINGS THE FRUIT, Sportsmen then begin to shoot.
EXTRA MASSES: For this week there will be mass in Ballingarry on Monday (31st) at 7.00pm and in Granagh on Friday (4th) at 7.00pm. Parish...
Weather A Washout !!!
Happy 98th Birthday, Mairead. BIG BIRTHDAY: Congratulations to Mairead Chawke on reaching her 98th birthday on Thursday 26th. She...
Thank You Fr. Dan:
Fr. Dan & Sr. Margaret in suitable attire for the 1916 Commemoration. TRIBUTE TO FR. DAN: Fr. Dan's departure was delayed due to Covid,...
Congratulations to our Granagh Boys on their First Holy Communion on 6th August - Ryan McDonagh, Michael O'Brien, Rory Stapleton, Thomas...