" Gratitude turns what we have into Enough." HARVEST MASS: Sun 30th Oct: 10.30am. At our Harvest Mass, we will get the chance to share...
CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES: It is an opportunity to share a little joy and excitement with children who live in circumstances, where these can...
AGM Time:
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the...
October brings the Pheasant, then to gather Nuts is pleasant.
CHURCH NEWS: Anniversary mass was celebrated last Sunday for the souls of Dan & Julia Brosnan, Coolruss, whose 37th and 15th...
Méan Fómhair - September - Middle Harvest.
COLLECTION - ST. ITAs: The Friends of St. Ita's wish to convey their grateful thanks for your donations to their Mass collection last...
The Castonguays' from New York, visiting the Treacy homestead, Killoughty, Granagh. L-R; John, Sean & Claire English. Brenda, John &...
"A Warm Dry August betokens a snowy Winter"
CHURCH NEWS: Anniversary Mass was celebrated last Sunday for Paddy & Mary Power and Mary Chris Purtill. Also prayers were asked for...
CRY' QUIZ: Friday 26th, 9pm, Rock Bar: Table Quiz in aid of CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young), Table of 4 people €40. Organised by Kay...
Mid-August Already.
REMEMBERING OUR DECEASED: For the month of August, we remember our family, friends and neighbours, whose mortuary cards are displayed on...
Rest in Peace Stevie.
CHOMHBHRÓN: Our sincere sympathies to the family of Stevie Collins, who passed away on Sunday 7th, peacefully, in the kind and gentle...