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In an effort to record for posterity the social history of Granagh, Granagh Historic society (est. 2015) is interested in gathering information on a wide variety of the activities of the businesses, clubs and other social organisations that have been part of the fabric of our local life over the last century and more.


We are particularly engaged in trying to create a permanent public record of daily life in the parish, through the activities of the parishioners, socially and economically.         With this in mind we are looking to collate information on a wide variety of topics such as;



  •     The schools 1868-1967

  •     Teacher’s residence 1911

  •     Pubs

  •     Shops(9 we know of)

  •     Forges

  •     Churches (Granagh, Knockfierna, Shanabhotha)

  •     Curates house

  •     GAA field

  •     Creamery 1891  

  •     Cemeteries

  •     Quarry

  •     Knockfierna cross

  •     Liskennett forestry

  •     Holy wells


There were many clubs and societies associated with the parish, GAA(3 teams), Camogie, Legion of Mary, Macra, Granagh Development Association, Youth club, ICA, Soccer, Water Group, Gun Club,Coursing,  Athletics, Síamse, Apostolic Society, Young at Heart, Drama and Tennis.


There is obviously a wealth of information to be gathered for these topics, and to this end we intend to hold a public meeting open to all interested parties in the parish whether you might have information to contribute or wish to learn. We will confirm this date through this website, the parish bulletin and weekly notes.

Please contact,

  Joe Power,  Mary O'Regan.














Michael O'Shea Commemoration
Story Link
Video Link
RTE Podcast Link


  Sr. Mary Pierre O'Regan, Liskennett.

St. Mary Pierre.jpg

Read Her Story

*****Thanks to Tom Noonan, Kilmore   who produced this original programme from 1951,              of  the Point-to-Point races held in Kingsland.  *******

A very interesting photo sent in by Ger Moloney, showing the two grass tennis courts in Kilmore, about 1960.    Situated beside his parent's house - Bridie & Tom Moloney.         The field belonged to Jer Morrissey, who lived where John & Claire Kelly live now.

The History of Granagh Creamery.   
A slideshow presentation by Jim Houlihan with invited guests.  Jan 2016.

  1916 Celebrations in        Granagh commemorating the 100th Anniversary.
  DvD produced.

Local LDF Branch. Thanks to Noreen Noonan Ballyguile, for the names

Granagh LDF from 1939-45. The local defense force during the Emergency was made up mainly of local hurlers from the Granagh parish team of the time. 12 of the hurling team were members of the LDF.

Back Row from left. Mick Power Granagh. Jackie Chawke Ballyvologue. Pake Sheehy Kilmore. John Fitzgerald Kilmore. Stephen Chawke Chawkes Cross. Paddy Power The Glen. Dan Moncton Kilatal. Ned Chawke Chawkes Cross.Pake Walsh Graigacurra.

Middle from left. Eddie Hartnett Graigacurra. Jim Broderick Lisduff. John Harnett Kilmore. John Lyons Granagh. Dan Sheehy Kilmore. Kevin Barry Ballytigue. Davy Bennett Graigacurra. Sean Shine Granagh.

Front from left. Dinny Noonan Ballyguile. Bill Cotter Graigacurra. Christy Dunworth Banogue. Jim Enright Lisduane. Ned Sheehy Kilmore. Bill Chawke Chawkes Cross.

The Lawrence Collection

On the 20th March 1865 at the age of 24 William Mervin Lawrence opened a Photographic Studio opposite the G. P .O. at Sackville street Dublin. Over the years the studio successfully photographed the length and breadth of Ireland from Howth Head in the East to Achill Head in the West, and from Malin Head in the North to Skibbereen the South. 

The collection consists of 40,000 glass plates mainly from the period 1880-1914, but some plates go back to 1870.

 HERE are some images from Limerick

The Schools’ Collection 1937-39

Approximately 740,000 pages (288,000 pages in the pupils’ original exercise books; 451,000 pages in bound volumes) of folklore and local tradition were compiled by pupils from 5,000 primary schools in the Irish Free State between 1937 and 1939.

This collecting scheme was initiated by the Irish Folklore Commission, under the direction of Séamus Ó Duilearga and Séan Ó Súilleabháin, Honorary Director and Registrar of the Commission respectively, and was heavily dependent on the cooperation of the Department of Education and the Irish National Teachers’ Organization. It was originally to run from 1937 to 1938 but was extended to 1939 in specific cases. For the duration of the project, more than 50,000 schoolchildren from 5,000 schools in the 26 counties of the Irish Free State were enlisted to collect folklore in their home districts. This included oral history, topographical information, folktales and legends, riddles and proverbs, games and pastimes, trades and crafts. The children recorded this material from their parents, grandparents, and neighbours.

The scheme resulted in the creation of over half a million manuscript pages, generally referred to as ‘Bailiúchán na Scol’ or ‘The Schools’ Collection’.

There are 1,128 volumes, numbered and bound, in the Collection. A title page prefaces each school, giving the name of the school, the parish, the barony, the county and the teacher. A further collection of approximately 40,000 of the children’s original copybooks are stored at the NFC.


Granagh School under principal Mr Speiran took part in this collection and the very interesting old tales from the Granagh district can be seen by following the links below.








Presentation to Fr. Joe Cussen, Oct 1996.

Presenation to Fr Cussen October 1996

Back Row L-R:

Mike Chawke, Ned Houlihan (RIP), Martin Carroll,    Fr. John Duggan, Jim Noonan, Tom Sexton(RIP), Michael Daffy (RIP), Sean Cagney, Jim Chawke & Mick Houlihan.

Front Row L-R:

Cllr. Jim Houlihan, Pakie Mulqueen, Jackie Chawke (RIP), Jim Treacy (RIP), Fr. Cussen, Dan Sheehan &  David O'Riordan. 

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