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Granagh  SEC.

( Sustainable Energy Community)

 Read Granagh Parish,

Community Energy Survey


A Sustainable Energy Community is a community in which everyone works together to develop a sustainable energy system for the benefit of the whole community.    

This is achieved by:-  aiming, as far as possible, to be energy efficient,  using renewable energy where feasible and developing decentralised energy supplies.
We had our first meeting re the above on 9th Sept, and it opened our eyes to many facts and figures about why we should be moving towards renewable energy.     At present our fossil fuels of coal, petrol and natural gas are running out and cannot be replenished e.g. the fuel in your tank is around 500 million years old.!!    However,  renewable energy – from natural resources  are continuously replenished -  Sunlight, wind, water, Hydro & tidal, bioenergy and biofuels.    Bio energy – energy from organic materials - plants, crops, grass, animal waste etc.
We never think about our Electricity usage, unless it is broken down for us.  For example - boiling a kettle, five times a day costs you €73 per year.    

Using your washing machine, three washes per week, costs you €281 per year.  

The shower - family of four, 10-15mins per shower, costs you €655 per year.    

Our electricity comes from burning gas, coal and peat.   By 2030 these have to be phased out and 70% has to come from renewable sources.

Along with that 500,000 homes have to be upgraded to a BER of B2.   600,000 heat pumps have to be installed.   Increase the number of electric vehicles to around one million.  

If we do not reduce our energy costs and greenhouse emissions, we are facing another Tax - Carbon tax.   I was shocked to see how much we will possibly be paying in 2030.   For example a 4- bed, detached house, 200sq m,  with a BER rating of C3 will pay €2,900 annually...!!!!    
This is why Granagh Development are taking action now.   We will be working with Tipperary Energy Agency to create an energy master plan for Granagh parish.  

Part of this will include a survey to households, with the end result of making your house more energy efficient, more comfortable with less emissions.    
We hope everyone will fill in this survey, so that  the Tipperary Agency can use the data to furnish a full parish report of our energy consumption.      More details to follow.

WED  30th Oct, 2020:

Following on from last week, the parish energy survey has now been distributed, if we missed anyone, please email - and we will get one to you.     The information will only be used by the Tipperary Energy Agency to compile an Energy Masterplan for the parish, it will not be shared with any third parties.
The only detail you will have to research is your total ESB bill and heating bill for the year.   This in itself is good to know for our own budgeting.
For those who return their forms, they will be in with a chance to have their home chosen for a
“ comprehensive free audit of energy usage “, including suggested measures to  improve your home’s energy efficiency. This audit is to the value of approximately  €560. !!!!    Closing date Fri 9th Oct.

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